June 20, 2022

Here’s How to Make Healthy Choices While Grieving

Here’s How to Make Healthy Choices While Grieving

Dealing with bereavement is one of the most difficult situations an individual has to face. The biggest challenge is to cope with the sudden change that a loss brings. One day a love done is an integral part of your life and the next day you need to face the challenge of moving forward without them. While coping with a loss is not easy by any means, there are a few healthy ways to manage grief and stay on top of your health and responsibilities.


Surround Yourself With Those Who Care


Social support can playa key role in the grieving process. Surrounding yourself with people who care about your wellbeing provides you a safe space to express, receive support and gain the strength to push through difficult times. Additionally, those experienced with managing grief can provide you advice on how to deal with difficulties you’re currently facing which can include –the inability to control emotions, feeling overwhelmed by grief, uncertainty regarding the future, and stress of handling responsibilities single-handedly. Additionally, you can seek to join a grief support group, which can be in-person or online.


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A common symptom of grief is the lack of motivation to engage in any kind of activity. This results in individuals spending prolonged time indoors, often in the comfort of their bed, reminiscing about the events that have transpired. While introspection is useful for coming to terms with the situation, it’s important to engage in some kind of physical activity each day, this can include taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood, practicing yoga, cycling, etc. Not only will these activities help disassociate from stress, but allow you to maintain a healthy daily routine. As reported by the Sleep Foundation, 91% of individuals suffering from grief report difficulty with sleep. Exertion through physical activity will help you overcome this problem and get the rest you need.


Set Realistic Expectations

We’ve all heard about the five stages of grief. But as research shows, not everyone experiences the five stages in a linear fashion. While there is no right or wrong way to deal with grief, do not set concrete expectations regarding how you should feel after a specific amount of time. For instance, it could be the case that you feel less stress as time passes, but it can resurge for brief periods in the months or even years after your loved one’s passing.

Becoming aware of your triggers can help avoid episodes of overwhelming stress and develop greater control over emotions. For example, if looking at pictures of your loved one always leads to your feeling overwhelmed, it’s best to keep them away for sometime. While you may feel it’s wrong to do so, this will help develop a healthy environment and allow you to gain control over emotions.


Consider Therapy for Managing Grief

For individuals struggling to manage grief, seeing a therapist or psychiatrist can be useful. For those on the ropes about whether they need therapy or not, here is a limited list of symptoms that point towards the need for professional help:

●       You’re suffering from a lack of self-esteem and worthlessness

●       You’re finding it difficult to return to work and are overwhelmed by additional responsibilities on your shoulders

●       You’re unable to come to terms with the loss

●       Your relationship with those close to you is deteriorating


When looking at the cost of a therapist, consider online therapy which is more affordable than in-person therapy and allows you to schedule sessions from the comfort of your own home. Online therapy offers a number of benefits over traditional therapy, including convenience, accessibility, and anonymity. Many online therapists also offer complimentary consultations so you can decide if they’re a good fit.

Professional therapists/psychiatrists can teach you healthy techniques to help come to terms with the loss and how to overcome it. Common therapies used by professionals include:


●       Cognitive behavioral therapy: Using CBT, therapists can help you identify patterns of negative thoughts and provide steps to avoid these patterns and counter them with positive thinking.

●       Acceptance and commitment therapy: As the name suggests, this therapy helps individuals build acceptance towards their loss. It involves coming to terms with thoughts that can trigger stress and working towards overcoming them by practicing mindfulness.


When it comes to managing grief, each individual will find ways that work best for them. Remember to be patient with yourself and be open to accepting help from others in times of need.

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Image Source: Pexels




“The Benefits of Grief Support Groups,” Aboveand Beyond Home Health Care. Accessed June 20, 2022. https://abovebeyondhc.com/hospice-care/bereavement/benefits-of-grief-support-groups/

“GriefShare,” Church Initiative. Accessed June20, 2022. https://www.griefshare.org/

“Grief and Its Effect on Sleep,” SleepFoundation. Updated June 10, 2022. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/mental-health/grief-and-sleep

“Debunking the 5 stages of grief — and 3 waysto start healing today,” Nikki Moberly, BetterUp. Posted January 27, 2022. https://www.betterup.com/blog/stages-of-grief

“The Grieving Process: What is Normal and Whento Seek Help,” Miki Fire, Boulder Psychological Services. Accessed June 20, 2022. https://www.boulderpsychologicalservices.com/grieving-process-normal-seek-help/

“Online Therapy,” PlushCare. Accessed June 20,2022. https://plushcare.com/online-therapy/

“11 Mental & Health Benefits of PracticingMindfulness,” Sarah Kristenson, Happier Human. Posted May 10, 2022. https://www.happierhuman.com/benefits-mindfulness/


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